
A Black Sheep Stunt-a-thon

Last Friday, Black Sheep delivered a performance marketing schmorgasboard at Houston’s Social Media Breakfast, a monthly gathering where social media experts and newbies alike come together to eat, meet, share and learn. With the leader of the Flock presenting on the topic of publicity and using the unexpected to build your brand, we knew it was time to take action and develop a few unexpected surprises of our own.

In a new twist on stunting, we decided, instead of trying to execute one perfect dance or flash mob, why not deliver a tasting menu of sorts? Dramatic surprises that would burst on the scene in the middle of a talk about dramatic surprises bursting on the scene? Yes, please. No better way to prove our point – that the unexpected is memorable and will reinforce your brand. For those of you who missed it, this is how our stunt menagerie went down.

Operatic Tribute
Our kick off began with an impromptu show tunes inspired ditty performed by the notorious Mary Beth Smith. Lasting only a minute, the audience at social media breakfast paused mid-coffee slurp, shocked and dazzled by the songstress. Heads moved in unison, there was the temptation to whistle and Mary Beth puzzled them all by staying completely in character. Was this planned? Mary Beth, you are a master stunt diva. (Applause, applause!) Rating = 10

Picket Placement
Minutes later, Canopy was overrun by some very enthusiastic picketers. With plays on popular protest slogans, Black Sheep’s doctored signs to include “Make stunts, not bore.” and “Peace, love, and stunts.” With exaggerated movements and dramatic booming voices, the protestors walked by the windows of the restaurant and attendees quickly took notice. Inside, people laughed, and outside, legitimate breakfast patrons good-naturedly tolerated the tomfoolery. Rating = 8 (With points off for disruptive breakfasting.)

Bear With Us
Who was in the bear suit? We’ll never tell. As the human transformed into a bear on the street, cars pulled over to gawk. “I have to ask – what is this?” one passerby asked, to which the guy in the bear suit responded, “This is normal for us.” while slipping the bear head on. Completely in character and making bear growls for added effect, the bear proceeded to run up to the patio of Canopy, shake his money maker and suavely stride away. This, people, is how it is done. Rating = 10+

Freeze Frame
Last, but not least, were the final victims of our stunt medley. Five social media overlords from different areas of the room rose in tandem, gathered at the front of the room and froze in positions that mimicked yoga poses. Suppressing all emotion with vacant eyes, our stunters channeled Tyra Banks. There were no smize for miles. Rating= 10

These days everyone seems to be organizing a flash mob or attempting to reenact their favorite Glee episode for brand benefit. This showcase was a great opportunity for Black Sheep to show how, even on a small stage with only a few players, a handful of deliberate acts can go a long way toward brand-building. Thanks to all of you who donated your time – we hope we brought a little bit of rebellion to your morning.
