
Bored and Brilliant

At its heart, time is a luxury. It doesn’t matter your life circumstance or social status, time can often be taken away from us or relinquished in myriad of ways - work, family, social obligations, that shiny magic box you have in your hand at all times. We often wear busyness as a badge of honor or sign of productivity. But about 2 months ago, that all changed. 

For a country that notoriously hates taking vacation days, we have a lot of time on our hands right now. With only a husband and dog at home, I have the privilege of having even more time than most (shoutout to all the parents holding it down). So what am I to do? 

Is now the time to amp up my Instagram game and make my dog Gizmo the internet star he was meant to be? 

Or turn into a Lovecraftian couch creature* gobbling up all of the reality and prestige TV I can? 

*I’m not going to melt your eyes and brains with a photo, just watch Color Out of Space.

Nah, instead, I have quietly started a “high quality leisure” revolution in my home. 

Author, Georgetown University computer science professor and my personal mindfulness guru, Cal Newport,  reintroduced the concept in his book “Digital Minimalism”.  Newport essentially challenges the reader to remove distracting technology from their life and incorporate a structured plan of low-tech activities that bring you a feeling of joy and fulfillment. 

My own definition is participating in leisure activities I “never had (or made) time for” that don’t involve being on my phone. They can use a computer, but for instructional purposes only and no simultaneous web-surfing. 

Here's what that looks like for me:

1. Walks, walks and more walks. I am constantly surprised at the mild nuances I discover on my daily walks, even though I'm often taking the same path - a teddy bear waving from a window, a woodpecker going to town above me, monarchs lightly perched on a flower.

2. Animal encounters with the Houston Zoo. Did you know meerkats perform sentry duty?

3. Adult coloring! 

4. Throwing a dance party in my living room - thanks Numbers and Secret Group

5. Taking an art class with Honey Art Cafe (I am excessively proud of free-handing this). 

6. Working out with studios in Boston, New York, Atlanta and, of course, Houston

7. Treating my bookshelf like the library (I miss you Houston Public Library) and reading even more now. 

So for now, all I have to say is “Viva the high quality leisure revolution!”

Dionella Martinez
