FINALLY. The Bacon Has Arrived.
SO. MUCH. HAPPENING.VidConstarted, so we’ve got hordes of screaming adolescent girls obsessing over top Viners in California. Sorry Mom—we can’t imagine what it’s like to chaperone a party that goes on for three days. YouTube Red launched their original seriesEscape The Night, which has the incredibly original “death at a dinner party” theme going on. We’re still trying to figure out how that will fit into our already-strenuous Netflix regime.
Here are a few updates that might help you around the watercooler.
After years of despair, we’re getting new emojis.
This is it. The moment that we’ve waited for. It’s a moment of celebration and joy and happy tears. The Unicode Consortium, which is basically the looming overlord in charge of what gets through and what gets thrown to the side, has released 72 new emojis.
Bacon. Avocado. Butterfly. Every tiny icon we’ve ever dreamed about. Alas, they aren’t available on IPhone or Android quite yet. But be patient. Give it a little time and we shall come out the other side victorious—with a whole new arsenal of emojis.
Speaking of, be careful what you emoji for.
Better not get carried away with those emojis on Twitter, y’all. Much like Twitter’s existing keyword targeting option, advertisers can now program certain promoted posts to pop up in the timelines of people who have recently tweeted or engaged with — retweeted, liked or clicked the link of — any post containing a given emoji.
So when you tweet “omg I just really want a slice of ? rn. HUNGRY AF,” Domino’s could push an ad out to you, fresh out of the oven. Or Adidas might target an ad for a pair of cleats at users who have tweeted.
Twitter has been busy, y’all.
Videos on Twitter are no longer limited to 30 seconds. Instead, we now have 140-seconds of blissful freedom. Vine is also experimenting with longer video for select “creators,” as they’ve been named. Check out #CampUnplug, Vine’s introduction to longer content that premiered at VidCon.
Here at Black Sheep, we think changing the 6 second limit on Vine would change the app completely. Who has that kind of focus? Six seconds at a time is all we can manage. We need brevity, Jack.
In addition to that, Twitter has created a video viewer, similar to Facebook’s. With a tap or click on a video, you can select the next thumbnail under the video you’re currently watching to start playing it or swipe or scroll through to check out more suggested clips. This works with Vine videos uploaded to Twitter, as well.
Twitter has also released a new app called Twitter Engage. They’re touting it as a way for “the world’s most influential creators to connect with their fans.” Basically, if you’re an uber-influencer, a celebrity or a brand, this’ll help you out. It’s a companion app to Twitter that provides real-time data, demographics and insights, helps you connect with other influencers by providing moments to jump into conversation, and tracks engagement and impressions over time.
Facebook Live is just giving out cash.
Facebook is paying out more than 50 million dollars to select media partners, publishers and celebrities for them to use Facebook Live, including Buzzfeed (obviously), Russell Wilson, Kevin Hart and Gordon Ramsay. They’ve also recruited YouTubers and institutions such as the American Museum of Natural History in New York. Each partner is required to use Facebook Live to create content per their contract. We’re still not sure why FB headquarters hasn’t sent us a check yet.
Watch out Periscope, Facebook really wants this to take off.
YouTube just unveiled mobile Live Streaming
Yesterday during her keynote at Vidcon, YouTube CEO Susan Wojcicki revealed that they’ll be offering mobile live streaming to the masses. FINALLY. The new update will give users the ability to live stream by clicking a red capture button in the corner of the app. They can then take or select a photo to use as a thumbnail, and you can broadcast your mundane daily activities live to fans and chat in near real time.
The new feature rolled out to select creators recently and will be available to everyone soon.
FLOTUS has finally joined the rest of us on Snapchat.
The First Lady launched her Snapchat channel, and in the process announced an upcoming Carpool Karaoke with James Corden, which only had us slightly freaking out.
Mrs. Obama announced her personal Snapchat as a way for the public to follow her travels around the world—she’s about to leave for Liberia, Morocco and Spain to promote her “Let Girls Learn” Initiative, which is dedicated to getting more than 62 million adolescent girls around the world into classrooms and allowing them to learn and be educated just like boys.
We always been confident that nothing could top Adele’s immortal performance, but this, THIS might be the epitome of Carpool Karaoke. An air date hasn’t yet been announced, but you can bet everything you own that we’ll be watching (and singing along).
And that’s all we got for now. We’ll take questions after the break.